Vaughn Poster

Vaughn Poster

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Thanks! And waiting.... waiting...

Hey friends!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU so much to everyone who participated in our Spaghetti Oneg yesterday at Beth Messiah Synagogue!  We are truly bless to call BMS home and to call all of you family.  The event helped raise a significant amount of money and it also really helped boost our moral as we wait... and wait... and wait... to hear back from the Bulgarian Ministry.  Please let us hear something this week... PLEASE!!!

I've got to say a special thanks to Theresa Januska, Jimmy Januska, Dee Brown, Sue Hodgeson, Mary Taylor, and Lacey Taylor for helping us yesterday.  And another big thank you to everyone who contributed something for the bake sale or for the spaghetti lunch itself.  You all are wonderful!

So... yeah... now we wait...

And wait...

And wait...


I really hope we hear something this week.  In the mean time, we'll be ordering the new t-shirts soon.  I'll let you know when they're ready for purchase.

Please keep us in your prayers!  Thanks  :)



Wednesday, October 26, 2016

T-shirts: The Sequel!!! (and a teaser of exciting news!)

Hey friends!

Last week we submitted the mountain of paperwork for our home study.  Exciting!!!

It felt like it took forever to get everything compiled.  I must admit, when I saw the laundry list of things we needed to get together, I became a little discouraged.  Motivation plummeted.  From fingerprints, to physicals, to tax returns, to background checks, I felt overwhelmed.

Oddly enough, God was in our procrastination.  There was a VERY significant reason why gathering all our home study information took longer than it probably should have.  God needed to put some more pieces into place.  And He did so in an AMAZING fashion!!!

I can't tell you yet... although several of you already know.  I don't want to share until we're 100% certain and we get confirmation from the Bulgarian government, but our adoption journey has taken an incredible twist.  With any luck we'll know for sure in the next week or so and then we'll have UNBELIEVABLE news to share!  So stay tuned!!!

In the meantime, we have another fundraiser coming up.  T-shirts: The Sequel  We're doing another t-shirt fundraiser since many of you liked the first shirts.  This time we're going to have TWO different designs to choose from....

Prices might be a little different for these shirts than they were for the first t-shirt run we did.  We're thinking about getting both regular shirts and the super soft material ones.  I'll let you know more in a few days.

Also, don't forget that you can always donate to us online!  Just click the computer icon on the right-hand side of your screen.  This will take you to our YouCaring online donation site.  

Please be in prayer for us as we get ready to schedule our home study, but also for news from Bulgaria.  Of course, the waiting is driving me crazy... but on the bright side, I get to drive Chris nuts with my relentless badgering of, "I wonder when we'll hear something?"  "Do you think they've gotten our letters yet?"  "I wonder what they think?"

Ugh!  Chris tells me that no news is good news.  Maybe he's right.  I'm just hoping to hear something soon!



Monday, May 9, 2016

Paperwork, Paperwork EVERYWHERE!!!

Hey friends,

So.....  silly little me thought that the three heaping stacks of paperwork was all I needed to do for the home study.  So naive... so, so naive.

I received an email from our home study provider.  The good news is that our application was approved.  The bad news.....

There's so much!!!  I barely know where to begin.  It literally hurts my brain!  But I know we've got to plow ahead because there is an amazing prize at the end of this paper-cut-infested journey:  We'll get to bring our little girl home!

Continued prayers that I don't lose my mind would be appreciated!

Also, as you can tell from your fund raising thermometer we are so close to the $10,000 mark!!!  AMAZING!!!

Thanks and (((HUGS))) to you all!


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Spaghetti Success!

I can't believe how wonderful the Spaghetti Dinner turned out to be!  It was such an amazing blessing!  I was blown away by how many people came out to support us and how generous everyone was.  The evening was a big step towards bringing our little girl home.  I can't wait for her to meet everyone who supported us along the way!

We need to say some very special THANK YOUS to everyone who helped make the Spaghetti Dinner a success. 
  • Thanks to everyone we came out to support us!  (((HUGS))) to every single one of you.
  • Thank you to everyone who brought something for the bake sale... Wow!  Those were some amazing goodies! And thanks to those of you who contributed food, bread, sauce, etc.  Every bit really helped!
  • Thanks to Rabbi Joe and Carole for letting us use the facilities at Beth Messiah Synagogue!
  • Huge, huge, HUGE thanks to Sue Hodgson, and the entire Blaski Clan (Mike, Sue, Hannah, and Michael.)  You guys worked your tails off to make sure the evening was perfect!
Moving forward, we need you to keep us in your prayers as we are getting the paper work finalized for our home study.  It's mind-boggling how much paper work we've already had to do and we haven't even gotten to the massive adoption dozier yet!  I know it will all be worth it when we finally get to see our little girl.

Thanks again!



Thursday, March 17, 2016

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Hey friends!

Below is the information for our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser.  Please help us get closer to our goal!  And don't forget, the Nooday jewelry fundraiser is still going on.  Click HERE for more information about some awesome jewelry that helps us and people in third-world countries.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Noonday Fundraiser!

What is Noonday?  This incredible organization gives people in third-world counties an opportunity for a dignified job and a fair wage.  People then sell the Noonday jewelry to help fund adoptions and other organizations.

Our Noonday fundraiser is still LIVE until March 26th!  If you'd like to purchase some wonderful Noonday jewelry and help not only our our adoption, but also people in third-world countries, you can!

  • Follow the link below to view the jewelry and place your order:
  • The Ambassador for our fundraiser is Jennifer McMurray so you should see her name and picture in the upper left-hand corner.
  • When you check out, be sure to click "Yes, Help Me Find My Hostess" and enter the name "Easley Schack" - this will ensure that your purchase goes to our adoption fundraiser.

We want to send a special THANK YOU to Easley Schack for hosting a Noonday fundraiser for us.  It was a fantastic time and we were thrilled to be able to hang out with Easley, Ben, Isaiah, Ruth, and Jeremiah! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Contract Submission

Hey Everyone!

We could use your prayers!  We're sending in our official contract with MLJ Adoptions today.  Please pray that everything goes smoothly.

A huge thanks to all the awesome friends and family who have supported us so far!



Monday, February 22, 2016

Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser

We were so truly blessed to have a ton of awesome friends come out and support us at our Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser.  It was such a fun time and a huge success!  And we are immensely thankful to everyone who joined us.

LOVE, (((HUGS))) and BLESSINGS to all!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser

Hey Everybody!

Please save some time on Sunday, February 21st between 11:00AM - 6:00PM.  We are having a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings in Greenbrier.

All you have to do is come, present this voucher, eat some food and 10% of what you spend will go to our adoption. Bring all your friends and family and be sure to share this with everyone you know!!!
***Email me if you need a easily printable copy of this voucher -