Hey Friends!
I know I haven't shared any adoption information in a while,
but things have actually been pretty crazy on the adoption front. We had to make some major changes. The biggest change is that we have switched
from International Adoption to Domestic Adoption.
This change did not come easy and there were many
contributing factors. If you'd like to
know the crux of the reason, feel free to contact me. I certainly don't mind sharing, but it would
be lengthy to type it all out in this post.
As tough as the decision was, we know the International door was closed
for a reason --- God has other plans.
I was pretty heartbroken about the switch, but I will say
since making the change we have really seen God's hand moving extremely fast. Doors are flying open and everything is
moving along 1000x smoother than it ever has in the past 2+ years that we've
been on this adoption journey. In fact,
it is a possibility that we could have our little girl here by the end of
summer!!! Please continue to pray!
Thanks so much for supporting us through this adoption journey! Speaking candidly, I do not think our adoption story will end with this little girl. My heart is to continue and adopt more children in need of a loving home! But we'll see what God's plan is. We know His heart is for every orphan to have a loving home and it is our job to be the hands and feet, doing what we can for the ones who need it the most.
Love (((HUGS))) Blessings!
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